Peste Des Petit Ruminants (PPR) and Newcastle Disease (NCD) Control Program

With support from Propcom Maikarfi(UKAID), this project was initiated to support Kaduna state in developing a sustainable programme for the effective control of the two most economically important diseases of small ruminants and chickens in the state. The overall aim of the project is to improve farmers’ access to vaccines for PPR and NCD through a sustainable market-driven vaccine delivery model thereby, improving the contribution of small ruminants and chicken to food security, nutrition, livelihood, and economic growth in the state.

This key activity of the programme includes baseline survey, stakeholders engagements, awareness campaigns, engagement of Community Animal Health workers(CAHWs), creation of last-mile distribution for vaccines and drugs as well as investment in the cold chain for vaccines.

The project has so far reached over 14,000 rural households with awareness messages with 60,000+ small ruminants and 95,000+ local chickens vaccinated for PPR and NCD respectively.